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Telent Road Safety Champions: Miranda's Story

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In support of Road Safety Week 2022, hear how Telent’s Head of Driver Safety is making a difference in her community to make their roads safer for all.

It’s Road Safety Week and at Telent, the Driver Safety team has been asking colleagues to share their Safer Road Suggestions to improve road safety for all in their communities. ​​​​​​​

To support this initiative, Head of Driver Safety Miranda Faulconbridge is sharing her story to explain how she saw an opportunity to improve road safety in her local community.

Miranda's Story

I live at the edge of a small village in Lincolnshire within half a mile of a secondary and primary school. Children regularly use a busy junction near to our home to cross the road to school. Over time we noticed how unsafe the junction was and saw an opportunity to make the road a safer place for vulnerable road users, particularly for local school children.

Not all of the village was covered by the 30mph zone - The boundaries of the 30mph zone in the village was out of date following the development of new houses, meaning that vehicles were legally able to travel faster than 30mph even though they were still driving in a built-up area

Vehicles were typically speeding up before they reached the national speed limit sign and approaching the bend too fast

The National speed limit between our village and the next village was unsafe given that children regularly used the path to walk to school

The junction layout on the bend, at the end of the village was dangerous to cross, as it had a clear blind spot approaching from the school end

Within six months of moving into our new home in the village, we witnessed far too many near misses and felt concerned about our own two boys travelling to and from school.

We contacted East Lindsay Council, the Highways Agency and Lincolnshire Police Force and invited them all to a meeting at our house for them to witness the speed of traffic and unsafe activity at the junction.

Despite some delays as a result of COVID, the council secured funding for the Highways Agency to implement our changes proposed, fully supported by the police.

As a result of our intervention, the following changes were implemented in July 2022, making the village a safer place to live and travel through:

New junction layout to narrow the junction and allow for pedestrians to cross safely. This also slows traffic on the approach to the junction

Extension of 30mph zone at both ends of our village to include new the houses and ensure the speed limit starts on the approach to the bend at the start of the village

Changed the national speed limit between our village and the next village to 40mph

A new digital flashing speed indicator has been installed in the middle of the village

New unmarked police patrol vehicles patrol the area regularly

Unconsciously speeding drivers are now encouraged to play close attention to their speed and slow down before they enter the village. Residents have definitely noticed a difference and are encouraged by the results so far. The new layout for children and other vulnerable road users is greatly welcomed by all residents and my children feel like they can cross the road safely as they can now clearly see oncoming traffic.

Miranda Faulconbridge, Head of Driver Safety at Telent

Telent Road Safety Week - 14th November - 20th November 2022

Telent is supporting Road Safety Week, the biggest road safety campaign led by road safety charity Brake. This year’s theme is ‘Safe Roads for All’, bringing together communities to shout out for everyone's right to make safe and healthy journeys on safe roads.

In support of the national campaign Telent’s Driver Safety team has plenty of activities planned to engage colleagues and others in their personal and professional communities to get people thinking about how we can make roads a safer place for everyone.

About Brake

Brake is a road safety charity working with communities and organisations across the UK to stop the tragedy of road deaths and injuries, make streets and communities safer for everyone, and support people bereaved and seriously injured on roads.

Road Safety Week is Brake's biggest road safety campaign. Every year, thousands of schools, organisations and communities get involved to share important road safety messages, remember people affected by road death and injury, and raise funds to help Brake care for more road victims and campaign for safe roads for everyone.

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