
Predict, prevent and mitigate asset failures

Acumen (asset condition monitoring), is a Real-Time Asset Condition Monitoring platform. Currently deployed across Transport for London (TfL), our platform allows TfL and their asset maintainers to have visibility of asset state changes via sensors in a single, intuitive interface monitoring:

  • Escalators;
  • Lifts;
  • Temperature;
  • Air conditioning;
  • UPSs and CERs.

Real-time monitoring capability is available through the Customer Portal, helping to predict, prevent and mitigate asset failures.

For communications this system can be used to monitor where high temperatures are likely to cause asset failure, so the appropriate preventative steps can be taken (e.g. address air conditioning or other contributing issues).

Asset condition monitoring is an ideal solution for keeping track of and having visibility of asset state changes.

Helping to keep the UK moving

We have been delivering intelligent rail solutions and network maintenance for over 30 years.

Telent’s longest standing customers

Maintaining communication assets for Transport for London since 1996, Telent continues to constantly deliver reliant, innovative technologies.

Control & Automation

Bringing together applications for control, automation and monitoring of a wide range devices and systems across multiple transportation, industrial and commercial use cases.

Traffic Signal Control & Maintence

Optimising your equipment availability and reliability is our key objective.

Remote Monitoring System

A cost effective solution capable of monitoring traffic signal controllers from any manufacturer


Our design teams ensure an incredibly user-friendly interface and fully integrate the system into the control network.

MICA Station Management System

Enhancing station operator effectiveness by ensuring all alerts, incidents and communications are automatically brought to their attention through a single screen.

Asset Management

The assets and systems we maintain and support in the station are critical to the daily running of the London Underground network and the UK rail network.

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