New Rail training facility supports future talent

Telent’s Rail Engineering team are thrilled to announce the opening of a new Rail FTNx Reference Model at its training facility in Chorley.

The new model enables engineers to access the latest FTNx technology and equipment, supporting with realistic hands-on training in a safe environment away from the live railway.

With the model, Telent can simulate traffic and services across a representative rail telecommunications network. This will enable teams to test solutions for customers such as Network Rail in a near-real environment, providing Telent engineers with the competencies to then carry out the work on site.

In addition to sharpening existing skills, the model will also support training programs for new engineers and early careers.

The model was opened at the beginning of May with a pilot training event led by Kevin Bonanno, Director of Rail and James Morrissey, Engineering Director. The pilot event was well received by those who attended, providing a solid baseline for those working on FTNx related projects.

A team effort

Mark Warrender, Chief Engineer - Rail Engineering

"The model is an excellent investment for Telent, demonstrating our commitment to the Rail industry in supporting talent growth for future demand. Our clients at Network Rail recognise the importance of this model and we will be hosting them with a visit to the site in June.

Making this happen was a team effort in designing and building the model. Special credit to all involved including Chris Holgate, Lead Engineer, John Boon - Senior Project Engineer, Jake Hill - Senior Engineer, Ken Sanderson - Engineer, and Paul Bannon - Engineer.”

Maggie Talty-Sanghera, Capability Development Manager

"Currently in rail we buy a lot of training from external companies, this is expensive and often not entirely suitable.

The team have created a gold build for our works on site and a suite of supporting training material. The model marks the beginning of internal training, utilising our massive wealth of knowledge to ensure knowledge dissemination and upskilling.”

Buder Munir, Engineering Manager - Validation

“The Reference Model reflects reality, using Network Rail naming conventions to reflect three Relocatable Equipment Building (REB) nodes. This enables us to create a realistic training environment for FTNx-related projects due to the comprehensive nature of the build.”

To enquire about the training facility or the FTNx Reference Model click the 'Contact us' button

FTNx refers to telecommunications systems and technologies within the UK railway all run on the Fixed Telecommunications Network (FTN), a grid that Network Rail began building over a decade ago.

As technology has rapidly improved over recent years, new uses for network were required. An upgrade to the FTN – called FTNx – was introduced before FTN was completed. This new system enables Network Rail to monitor thousands of sensors and devices across the UK’s railway infrastructure more effectively.

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