Telent installs LED Lamp Technology to reduce CO2

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As part of Telent’s Environment and Sustainability vision, Telent’s dedicated Green Solutions team continue to develop a range of innovative solutions to benefit the environment and support colleagues, customers and the supply chain to improve sustainability and reduce carbon footprint.

Telent's Environment and Sustainability Vision is to be a leading partner in the road to net zero, providing outstanding service and solution offerings that help deliver its customers’ climate action ambitions, and partnering with the supply chain to enhance and support the communities affected by Telent’s choices and operations.

Last month Telent shared a case study on how it’s off-grid power solution is supplying power to remote locations in the Scottish Far North Line. This month’s focus is on the use of LED lamp technology across Telent’s 27 UK wide and London based traffic signal maintenance projects.

This is not a new technology and Telent has been installing LED lamps and signal heads since 2010. The previous traffic signal technology was halogen based and there remains many of this type of signal on street. Telent is working with its customers to deliver the most efficient program for swapping out this legacy technology to ensure the best outcomes for cost and CO2 reductions.

Halogen lamps have shorter lives, cost more and generate around eight times as much CO2, because they require more power to produce the same light intensity.

Telent wanted to remove this equipment and provide a more efficient system with a longer life span and lower these emissions. Working with its supplier partners, Telent has developed a scalable, multi-functional system that has enabled Telent to swap out over 7000 signal heads to date.

The new equipment has a longer lifespan and has delivered an estimated overall annual savings to our clients of nearly £800k and a carbon reduction of nearly 500 tonnes of CO2.

In some cases, the legacy signal heads can be swapped out for replacement LED heads without the need to change the structural foundation, post or cable ducts thus enhancing the savings when compared to fully new installation.

Where full, new installation is necessary Telent have installed a modular system which will allow for easier maintenance and a longer life.

Telent continues its work to install more of this equipment across the UK to ensure these reductions are maximised.


Replacing traditional lamps in traffic signals with LEDs significantly impacts the infrastructure, making it greener, more sustainable, and cost-effective. Additionally, LEDs enhance road safety due to their improved visibility. Switching from halogen lamps to LEDs will cut down annual carbon emissions, helping meet carbon reduction targets.

LED technology also boasts a longer lifespan, which lessens the environmental impact and minimises disruptions for road users.


- Paul Owen

Director of Traffic Technology

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